Airport Ready

Flying or for that matter any kind of travel, can be twice as fun, if you are dressed comfortably and have enough stuff with you to keep you entertained even if you get stranded at the airport for hours.

For me, whenever I fly, I take extra care in dressing stylishly yet comfortably keeping in mind that even if all the connections are on time, my flights usually take from 4 to 14 hours at the very least, perks of having family all over the world and also exotic travel destination choices.

Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.
Coco Chanel

Travelling has recently taken a new meaning in my life since we are now travelling handfree of strollers, baby or dog leashes and kids or dog carriers….yippeeee….is what I would say if I was sure my kids are not gonna read this.  Not that I didn’t 101% enjoy my time travelling with them and I still do.  But, boys and girls, this is another story … one word…freedom!!!

In any case, my newest baby is this blog which I am trying to give more attention to. Hopefully it will grow up to be as well-nourished and accomplished as my other babies.

I never have been a light traveller (infamous in the entire family, most members of which hide when I disembark so that they don’t have to help me with the bags, you know who you are !!!). Whatever the allowance is, I am usually a good girl and fill it to the last dot, having no room even for a pencil (souvenirs) after I am all packed.  I personally think that it takes a lot of skill to make such smart use of every inch of the space provided but my hubs would fail to agree.  Lets not mind that!!

I usually have the allowed pieces of suitcases, then a carry on alongside my handbag. While the suitcases have all the clothes, shoes, accessories, toiletries, my carry-on has my computer, tablet, camera gear, designer wear (which I don’t like to put in suitcases just in case). My handbag of course has my basic makeup (lipstick, eyeliner, perfume, brow brush), sanitizer, stain remover, my contacts case and solution, gum, pen and small pad, my reading and sunglasses case and my wallet.

I have many different looks for travel. Today, I am wearing a  black pants, with check blazer, a white meaningfully graphic tee and black leather booties.
Having said that, my next trip is just around the corner, I better get to packing.
Don’t forget to tell me in the comments below where you are off to next.

Elegance is not about being noticed, it’s about being remembered.
Giorgio Armani

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High Five (Days) in London
Airport Ready